Wednesday, March 27, 2013

CA Pedigree Law Exemptions

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Are Your Drugs Exempt From The California Pedigree Law?:
"Not all prescription drugs will need to comply with the California pedigree law on January 1, 2015 or 2016. In fact, there are a number of important exemptions that cover entire classes of certain drugs and certain types of transactions for all drugs. The volume of drug packages that could escape being serialized and pedigreed by those effective dates is not huge, but if you are a manufacturer or wholesaler, you should familiarize yourself with the list of exemptions. If you are lucky enough to make or handle any of the exempt drugs or transactions you might as well take advantage of your exemption." . . .   . . .

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

FDA Considers Compounding Industry User Fees

Hamburg: User Fees Might be Solution for Funding Increasing Regulation of Compounding Industry:

Hamburg said in her blog posting that FDA "looks forward to working with Congress to explore funding mechanisms, which could include registration or other fees, as Congress has authorized and FDA has successfully implemented in other settings."

Such funding might be able to bridge the gap between agency goals and resource limitations. Left unclear, however, is whether the pharmaceutical compounding industry would be on board with the proposal. Past user fee proposals, such as the Prescription Drug User Fee Act, the Medical Device User Fee Act and the Generic Drug User Fee Act have all been passed with the explicit support of their respective industries.

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hamburg Says FDA Needs New Authorities to Regulate Pharmacy Compounding

Updated April 19, 2022

The original post didn't age well.

You can read more here:

---  the original post follows below  ---

FDA Must Have New Authorities to Regulate Pharmacy Compounding | FDA Voice:

"In the new framework, FDA believes that certain high-risk sterile compounding facilities should be subject to federal oversight to ensure that the compounding of sterile drug products at those facilities can be done without putting patients at undue risk, including . . .

And for all pharmacy compounding, FDA believes certain basic protections should be in place. These include . . ."

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New Framework:
  • Require compliance with federal quality standards, appropriate for the compounding of riskier products & exposure of larger numbers of patients,
  • Require federal registration of the compounding facilities that will be subject to federal quality standards so FDA knows where they are and what drug products they are making.
  • Require those higher-risk compounding pharmacies to report to FDA serious adverse reactions to their drugs of which they become aware.
Basic Protections:
  • Grant clear authority to examine a pharmacy’s records to more quickly locate the cause of an outbreak or other violations of the law.
  • Prohibit compounding of the most complex and highest risk products—drugs and biologics that should only be made for patients by an FDA-registered drug manufacturer under an approved new drug application. 

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Rotech Files Bankruptcy

Rotech to file for bankruptcy | HME News:

"“After careful planning and consideration, we are pleased to have reached this major milestone of substantially reducing our debt,” stated President and CEO Steven Alsene in a release. “The company has struggled for years under the debt burden placed on it when it was spin off from its former parent company in 2002. Since that time, dramatic reimbursement reductions have made it essential that we reduce our debt to a manageable level.”"

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You might also be interested in:  Rotech Healthcare - About Us

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Friday, March 15, 2013

FDA Focus On cGMP Compliance By Compounders

Updated June 10, 2022

Some of the links broke.

You might also be interested in:

---  the original post follows below  ---

The FDA continues to focus on pharmacy compounders.

This is evidenced by the growing number of the FDA's Form 483s (Inspectional Observations) that are being posted:  FDA - 2013 Pharmacy Inspections

Earlier this month, the FDA sent a "Warning Letter" to Medi-Fare Drug and Home Health Center 3/7/13.  It highlights the myriad touchpoint issues, including pharmacy regulations, and the FDA's regulations on current good manufacturing practices (i.e., the FDA's cGMPs).

You might also be interested in:
21 CFR 211: Pure, Safe, and Effective - Online training - An orientation to the FDA's cGMPs

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Exemptee Training and Designated Representative Training

SkillsPlus International Inc.'s California Designated Representative training courses are accepted by the California State Board of Pharmacy.

SkillsPlus International Inc. is proud of our high student volume. 

Nearly 10,000 students have taken our state license-related courses, demonstrating the popularity and trust in our approved training programs and courses. 

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Monday, March 4, 2013

"The Politic" Interviews Margaret Hamburg (FDA)

Commisioner of the United States Food and Drug...
Commisioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration Margaret Hamburg. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Woman in Charge: Margaret Hamburg | The Politic:

". . . The Politic: Let’s move on to the recent meningitis outbreak. Was the FDA in this case supposed to have prevented the outbreak, or was the role of the FDA more in the response portion?

Sadly, the current regulatory framework for these so-called compounding pharmacies is inadequate and ambiguous as to the state role and the federal role, and we need to address that concern. I hope we can work with Congress to craft new legislation that will strengthen and clarify existing law. Within the existing legal framework, we are in a much more reactive posture rather than a preventive one.

As a public health official and the head of the FDA, I would really like to be able to see a system that could help us prevent this type of tragedy going forward. As we've seen the industry and healthcare system evolve, I think what has always been a concern about a lack of clarity between state and federal responsibilities has gotten more pronounced and more dangerous. More and more health care systems are relying on sort of hybrid  compounding pharmacy/manufacturer in order to produce products they need. These facilities are in a gray area in between state and FDA regulations. . . . "

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