Tuesday, April 4, 2023

HME Companies Must Innovate

According the article:

"In response to retailers like Best Buy trying to wedge their way into home care, one respondent wrote, “HME companies must innovate, or their products and services will become low-margin commodities.” 

“Innovators and disruptors will always cross the line – it’s integral [to] the process,” the respondent wrote. “For example, it is now common for payers to provide physician primary care services and patient monitoring, so for a company like Best Buy that has been selling health wearables for years, the apparent intrusion into HME is really a normal course of business. Atrium-Best Buy patients and stakeholders will help steer the fulfillment process for HME products and services, like it or not.” "

Read the following articles for a little more background:

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For Designated Representative license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training affidavit):

For HMDR Exemptee license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training completion certificate):
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