Friday, June 6, 2014

Changes in California Pharmacy Law (was 2014)

Updated January 5, 2019:

California Pharmacy Law changes effective this current year (PDF)

---  the original post follows below  ---

You might be interested in the following article, published in the latest edition of the California Board of Pharmacy Newsletter, The Script (Spring 2014) - PDF

The article is titled, "Changes in Pharmacy Law for 2014."  The organization and formatting make the article a very easy and useful read. Here's a snippet from the article:

"The Senate and Assembly bills listed in this article were enacted in 2013 and unless otherwise specified took effect on January 1, 2014. The new and amended Business and Professions Code (B&PC), Health and Safety Code (H&SC), and Civil Code laws are paraphrased or summarized below. For pertinent information that is not included in the summaries you are strongly urged to review the exact language at  "

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