Thursday, March 5, 2020

As Confirmed Cases Rise, Home Health Industry Turns Its Attention to Coronavirus - Home Health Care News

"Perhaps most immediately, home health providers may face a shortage of supplies. To avoid that, providers should start checking with their vendors about the continued flow of masks, medication and other key items.

Besides reinforcing their supply line, providers should also review their current emergency response plans and personnel policies, updating both for possible coronavirus outbreaks in their markets.   ...

NAHC released a comprehensive coronavirus checklist on Wednesday. The list — produced with expert advice from Barbara Citarella of RBC Limited Healthcare & Management Consultants — includes several other actions providers should be taking right now."

Read the full source article:  As Confirmed Cases Rise, Home Health Industry Turns Its Attention to Coronavirus - Home Health Care News

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California Exemptee Training - for home medical device retailers (HMDR). State approved by the CDPH. $525 per student. Earns a course completion certificate suitable for your Exemptee license application.
California Exemptee Training - for home medical device retailers (HMDR). State approved by the CDPH. $525 per student. Earns a course completion certificate suitable for your Exemptee license application.

For Designated Representative license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training affidavit):

For HMDR Exemptee license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training completion certificate):


  1. And just when you think you've got it all covered ...

    It's not unusual for some businesses to manage with just one Exemptee, or keep the bare minimum of licensed Exemptees on staff. However, these companies can run into a situation that can affect the company's business financial health. In the event the company loses an Exemptee, for example, the Exemptee quits, and cross-coverage by another licensed Exemptee isn't possible, then the business operation could get into trouble with the licensing agency, or just as bad, must shut down (until a licensed Exemptee or pharmacist can be on premise). ... ... ... You might also be interested in California Exemptee Training - for HMDR (home medical device retailers). $525 per student. State approved by the California Department of Public Health. Earns a course completion certificate suitable for your Exemptee license application #HMDR #HME #DME #HMDRexemptee


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